Saturday, April 05, 2014

Saturday Sample - April 5, 2014

Welcome back to my Saturday Sample. In today's brief scene from Spinster's Folly, Bill Henry is on the hunt, but he's also getting discouraged by circumstances beyond his control.

Old Man Owen was as good as Rulon’s word, Bill reflected as he saddled up by lantern light. He had no pocket watch, and could only guess at the hour, but from the aching in his limbs, he figured he hadn’t slept very long. Midnight, maybe? It could be later, but he was sure it wasn’t nigh on to dawn.
His horse was just about played out, as were the other mounts. The thought that they couldn’t go at the speed he would have liked galled him. There was nothing he could do about the situation. Thorne was getting away from them.
“Steady there,” Sourdough spoke from behind him.
Bill thought he was talking to his horse, but when the man’s hand settled on his shoulder, he knew the advice was for him.
He glanced around, and yes, the old-timer was looking at him.
“I know you’re in a rough spot, Henry. Keep in mind, the girl has spunk.”
Buy Spinster's Folly here:
Print: CreateSpace | Amazon | Barnes and Noble

Bill's friend Sourdough is trying to keep Bill's spirits up. How do you think Bill is going to react to his efforts? How would you try to encourage a friend during a tough time? When a friend has tried to cheer you up, how did you react?

I hope you enjoyed this tidbit from Spinster's Folly. Thank you for visiting. I love to read your comments, so if anything in the sample compels you to speak up, rest assured that I eventually read what you write and will reply, if needed. Questions? I'm open to them, too.

Please come back next Saturday for another sample. Thank you!

Marsha Ward is the award-winning author of an acclaimed novel series featuring the Owen family. Her latest book, Spinster's Folly, won the 2013 USA Best Book Award for Western Fiction. A former journalist, Ward has published over 900 articles, columns, poems and short stories. She is the founder of American Night Writers Association aka ANWA.

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