Saturday, July 09, 2016

Sample Saturday - Faith and the Foreman

Did you see last week's Cover Reveal? No? Fear not, here it is:

You've met Faith and you've met Slim. They both face challenges in their lives, they live in vastly different universes, and they aren't living in any proximity to each other. How are they to meet?

Here's a clue, before next week's release on Friday, July 15th, to online ebook vendors:

A day later, Faith gasped, tightening her fingers on the day’s newspaper. She looked toward Clarissa, her anxiety seeping away.

“I like that bright light in your eye,” Clarissa said.

“I have a better plan than nursing school.” Faith rose and took the Times to Clarissa.

Her cousin looked up from her needles. Three new white bandages lay rolled beside her on the sofa.

“Look.” Faith showed her the newspaper page. “Here’s an advertisement seeking a school teacher in the West for ten months. The school board will pay transportation costs, provide a living space, groceries, firewood, and they’ll pay a salary besides. I can teach mathematics and reading and writing and... even stitchery! Once I sell the house, the proceeds and a teaching post will provide income sufficient for us both.”

“Hmm. Teaching will suit you better than nursing.” Clarissa resumed her knitting. “How do you win the position?”

Faith crimped the newspaper between her hands. “I must send a telegram immediately to the president of the school board in this town of—” She looked at the advertisement again. “Bitter Springs, Arizona Territory. This will solve our difficulties.”

“You must hurry so your answer to the advertisement arrives ahead of any others.”

“Yes.” Faith hurried to compose a brief message with a list of her academic accomplishments and prepared to go to the telegraph office. “That should serve. Let’s pray I’m the most worthy applicant.”

While you're waiting for next Friday's release of Faith and the Foreman, be sure to pick up and read a copy of my latest novel, The Zion Trail:

The Zion Trail
$3.99 for ebooks; $12.99 for print books
Ebooks: Smashwords | Kindle | Nook | Kobo | Apple iBooks Store

If you haven't read it yet, here are purchase links for my last novella, Blood at Haught Springs. I encourage you to read it. Take note that it's the first in a new series, Men of Haught Springs.

Available as an Ebook only
$2.99 at the following online retail outlets:
Smashwords all formats | Kindle | Nook | Kobo | Apple iTunes Bookstore

Please remember that in this new world of publishing, YOUR reviews are vital to authors. Go post a review on any of my books, novellas, or short stories you have read. They don't have to be long. You only need to express what you thought about the work, and perhaps why. Did you like the characters? Did the history of the period excite you? Was the story enjoyable? Would you recommend the work to your friends? Writing a review is your chance to do just that.

Thank you!

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