Monday, January 07, 2008

Cold today

Now with the sun going down, it will get colder. The dripping eaves are morphing into icicle-laden rooflines.

It's been a good writing/editing day, though. I worked for three and a quarter hours, wrote 685 words, and edited several scenes. I actually woke up with storylines in my head, and knowing that with a good push, I can finish this thing very soon. Here's hoping nothing bad happens to jinx my progress! I don't need that. I need that good push and a cry of "I'm finished!"


  1. Anonymous12:10 AM

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  2. Marsha,
    It's been a bit since I've been able to get out to your blog (busy Christmas season and all that). Loved your list of books that you've read, your description of the winter snow ... and your new haircut!

    Okay, maybe the haircut isn't actually new, but the picture is! Looking good!:)

  3. Crecenet, no quiero tener anuncios aqui, de modo que voy a borrar su comentario.

    Lo siento que no escribo portugues. Buena suerte en sus negocios.

  4. Thanks for visiting, Cindy. The photo is from last April, but I did get a similar haircut, after deciding I was going to grow out my hair.

    You know that stage where you just can't stand it any more? You realize that if you stick it out, the hair will look better by and by. But sometimes you can't make yourself endure that long, and the hair comes off. That's what happened.


I welcome your comments.

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